NCERT Class 9 Motion Notes
In this article, you will get Class 9 Motion notes. These notes are very important for the board exams. Motion & Rest A body is said to be in motion, if its position changes with respect to its surrounding with the passage of time. A body is said to be at rest, if its position does not change with respect to its surroundings with the passage of time. Motion & Rest are relative The states of rest and motion are not absolute. They are relative in nature and depend upon the observer. A body may appear to be at rest to one observer and in motion to the another observer. For example; to a person standing on ground, earth appears to be at rest but for a person on moon, earth appears to be in motion. Distance and Displacement Distance is the length of the actual path travelled by a body, and displacement is the shortest distance between two points. Both distance and displacement are measured in metres and both are actually the lengths. There are some differences between distance ...